Rencontre et débat / Solidarité

8th Pan African Humanitarian and Investment Summit

8th Pan African Humanitarian and Investment Summit in Dakar

Samedi 25 novembre 2023

In pursuit of the promotion of innovative and sustainable solutions for addressing pressing humanitarian issues, fostering economic growth, and nurturing strategic partnerships to facilitate a thriving Africa, the summit endeavors to provide a platform for these crucial objectives. Be ready on november 25, 2023.

The summit places a significant spotlight on the convergence of humanitarian concerns and investment opportunities. Its primary goal is to tackle the complexities of regional integration while actively exploring avenues for investment and economic cooperation that transcend national boundaries.

Having witnessed successful editions in vibrant cities like Accra, Dubai, Dar es Salaam, Rabat, Abu Dhabi, Istanbul, and Zanzibar, the 8th Pan-African Humanitarian and Investment Summit stands as a beacon of optimism. This event brings together an assembly of influential leaders and visionaries, fostering collaboration and harnessing the immense potential within Africa.

This year’s edition is set to host 350 delegates hailing from 42 diverse countries. In addition, it promises to include a series of parallel events that will further enrich the summit’s offerings.

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